Can you make money with algorithm trading.

Updated at: 08 April 2023Deepak Painkra

Not recommendable for a beginner because requiring expertise in both financial and computer science


Table of Content

  • What is algorithm trading?
  • Who benefits from it?
  • Can you make money with algorithmic trading?
  • Which programming languages are required to do Algorithms Trading?
  • Can we choose Python instead of C++?

What is algorithm trading?

Algorithm trading is also known as Algo Trading, which uses a program algorithm to execute buy and sell orders in trading platforms, such as the stock market, crypto market, and forex, without human intervention.

Who benefits from it?

In most cases, professional and experienced traders use Algorithms trading. Moreover, the people who have slightly bigger capital. The reason why because that it is not possible to place multiple orders at the same time with heavy quantity sizes. You should know that the price can go instantly up and downs, and you will lose your desired profits.

Can you make money with algorithmic trading?

It's possible to make from Algo trading but make sure before creating any algorithms trading strategy must have checked and have backtested these multiple times to see if it's working.

Which programming languages are required to do Algorithms Trading?

C or C++ are the most widely used programming languages for algorithm trading. Latency makes it a better programming language to learn right now, and when it comes to speed and efficiency, none of the other programming languages can beat them. C++ is an object-oriented compiled language.

Can we choose Python instead of C++?

Python might not be the best programing language to learn for high-frequency trading in general because every second matters a lot, and Python is slower C++.

Python is an interpreted programming language, and interpreted languages are easier to understand and have less syntax to write compared to C++.

The Interpreter languages are slower than compared to Compiled languages because of some internal and external factors, So we are not getting into that topic right now for the sake of this conversation. The Compiled language has complex syntax, and it takes longer to understand.


The information provided here is only for educational purpose. The information provided here is not intended to be any kind of financial advice, investment advice, and trading advice. Investment in stock market is very risky and trading stocks, options and other securities involve risk. The risk of loss in stock market can be substantial. So before taking any decision or before investing in any Share consult your financial advisor and also do your analysis and research.